Many of our patients deal with neurological or cognitive impairments and have been through years and varied methods of care, yet continue struggling to live within the limits imposed by their injuries. Our hope is that our methods of assessment and intervention will help to improve on those limitations and allow our patients to experience an enhanced life.

Spinal Conditions
- Neck Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Scoliosis
- Disc injury
- Migraine
- Tension headaches
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
Childhood Disorders
- Speech Delay
- Reading Disorders
- Bed wetting

Hip, Knee, and Leg Pain
- Sciatica
- IT Band Syndrome
- Jumpers Knee
- Achilles Pain
- Ankle Sprain
- Plantar Fasciitis
Dizziness / Balance Disorders
- Dizziness/Vertigo
- Lightheadedness
- Mal De Debarquement Syndrome
Concussion / mTBI
- Treatment and rehabilitation
- Pre-season evaluations for Groups and Individuals

Neurological Disorders
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Brain Fog
- Chronic Pain
Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain
- Rotator cuff injury
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis elbow / Golfer’s Elbow
- Carpal tunnel
Metabolic Disorders
- Thyroid Disorders
- Hormone disorders
- Detoxification disorders

Movement Disorders
- Dystonia
- Tics
- Tourette’s Syndrome
Stroke Victims
Autonomic Disturbances / Syncope
- Vasovagal syncope
- Dysautonomia